Save hours of time every week with Lesson Genie. Yes, Please!

Get My FREE Substitute Plans!

Done-for-you substitute plans for grades 2-5! 😍 This free unit includes 5 days of ready-to-use activities for your substitute, making it easier to take the time off you need.

Hello! I’m Jamie

  • I believe that students need to be the leaders of the classroom. Even third graders are old enough to be held accountable and to take responsibility for their learning.
  • I do not believe that kids were made to sit in seats. They need to get up and move around.
  • Differentiated instruction is a must. I use guided reading and guided math groups to meet the individual needs of my students.
  • Helping a student to discover their love for reading is a privilege that I never get tired of.
  • School should be fun! We party in my class!
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