All you want to do is kick back on the sofa on a Sunday afternoon…but instead?
You’re hunched over your laptop, trying to conjure up this week’s lesson plans.
You know the UGHHHHHHH of being 49 tabs deep into Pinterest with nothing to show for it.
Or the sinking feeling when you purchase a TPT resource—only to discover you have to scroll through hundreds of pages to figure out which handful will work for this week.
You’re tired. Completely drained. You’ve been sitting at your kitchen table for hours…and you’re still not done…and you’re running out of time.
The Sunday Scaries? They’ve been camped out here all day, waiting for you to catch up.
You know what’s EVEN WORSE than the Sunday Scaries?
The “Monday Misgivings” that hit you while you’re driving into work.
Will your carefully-crafted lessons—that you spent so much time planning and prepping—even hit the mark?
Here’s the truth:
It makes no difference if you’ve been teaching for two years…or 20.
That doubt never completely goes away.
You might have a drawer full of laminated lesson materials that worked LAST year.
But what about THIS year—with a completely different classroom of students?
Will last year’s lessons engage this year’s learning style, interests, and abilities?
As you walk into the building, you know you’ll find out…but you sure wish you knew ahead of time.
So what’s really turning your Sunday into a stress-fest...and your Monday into a guessing game?
There are actually 3 reasons why lesson planning is so challenging:
You don’t have the resources you need to teach
Let me guess…your school hasn’t given you what you need to teach?
Maybe you have NO curriculum. Oof.
Or maybe you HAVE curriculum… but it’s out-of-date, boring, and written only for your on-level learners…so you need to adapt and supplement it.
That means you have to turn the internet upside down and shake it until the actually good resources fall out. (And sometimes fork over a lot of your hard-earned teacher dollars for them, too.)
Lesson planning requires a big chunk of uninterrupted time
If you’re like most elementary school teachers…you need 2-3 hours to plan your weekly lessons.
But more importantly—you need 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time. Lesson planning requires concentration.
The mandatory “planning time” you’re given during the week? It’s never enough—and you’re constantly being interrupted by student needs, parent emails, and an endless stream of meetings.
Your weeknights and Saturdays are full of demands…and that’s why you turn to Sundays.
You care—the biggest reason of all ❤️
You went into teaching because you care. You love watching your students learn and grow.
So you work hard to create engaging lessons—even though it cuts into your personal time. You refuse to “phone it in” with resources that fill the time but don’t help your students master the skills they need for life success.
❤️ Your students are so lucky to have a teacher who wants the best for them. ❤️
And I want to help you keep it that way.
If you could solve the time-sucking, doubt-inducing problems of lesson planning…maybe you could get these wishes:
- Get your lesson plans done, dusted, and differentiated in way less time than you’re spending now
- Stop working on Sundays altogether—and instead, have pancake breakfasts (or lazy brunches) with family and friends
- Or maybe spend your Sunday evenings with a glass of something good—not your laptop—in your hand
- Feel confident, rested, and excited when you walk into your classroom on Monday
- Impress the pants off your admin when they drop in for an informal observation…or look at your test scores…or receive a glowing email from a parent.
And most of all?
- You want to do all that….while still giving your students the engaging lessons, activities, and instruction they need to master the standards, grow, and feel excited about learning
Lesson Genie is a subscription membership for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers who have been wishing:
“Please can I have a personal assistant who can do my lesson planning and find all the resources I need?”
But Lesson Genie is actually even better than a personal assistant, because:
With Lesson Genie, you can get your weekly lesson planning done, dusted, and differentiated…in 5 minutes (or less).
All it takes is a couple of clicks to select your Not So Wimpy Teacher resources, create your lesson plans, and download them to your computer.
And just like that, you’re ready to teach for the week. BOOM!
Back the truck up—seriously? The lesson planning and the resource-finding?
YES! 😁 And you’ll never believe how simple it is to do!
Here’s how Lesson Genie works:
As a Lesson Genie member, you get an All-Access Pass to the entire library of NSWT resources for grades 2-5. Math, Reading, Writing, and more!
Your weekly planning is done—in less than 5 minutes!
Is it really that fast? Yes! Watch us plan 8 weeks of lessons:
Don’t believe me? Watch the magic unfolding here:
That’s the real magic of Lesson Genie—it’s not another pile of resources you have to hunt, peck, and sort through.
There are 16,000+ lessons inside Lesson Genie 🤯 Which sounds amazing, right?
But when you think about it…that can be really overwhelming. It leaves you with questions like:
Where do you even start?
How do you know what to pick first without having to go through everything first?
How do you know which lessons to pick first?
Which lessons do you pick next?
What if you have limited teaching time?
What do you skip?
Instead, the Lesson Genie planning tool turns “everything you need” into “EXACTLY what you need.”
The planning tool isn’t some blank template you’re typing into. Oh no.

It breaks down my huge, multi-week long unit PDFs into daily lessons.
My units are comprehensive, carefully scaffolding the development of each skill to increase student academic success.
But that means each unit is a beast of a PDF with hundreds of pages. When you buy them directly from my store, you have to look through the entire thing to figure out what you need next.
Lesson Genie auto-magically does that for you. It literally breaks down each unit into daily lessons!

When you’re ready to download your resources, everything is organized by day.
When you’ve finished adding all your lessons to your lesson plans, you click one button to download everything you need to teach your lessons for the week.
Every PowerPoint, graphic organizer, task card set, passage, etc, will be in a file organized by the day.
What are you teaching on Tuesday? Simply open the file, and everything is right there waiting for you!

You can easily include your own lessons and resources, too!
Got required curriculum? Or maybe you have lessons and resources of your own that you want to keep using?
You can actually bring your own lessons and resources right into the Lesson Genie planning tool! Just type your details, notes, and links into the planner so you have everything in one place.
Your weekly lessons, planned out + handed to you on a platter.
No Sundays required.
Here are the resources waiting for you inside Lesson Genie
There’s a reason why over 1,000,000 Not So Wimpy Teacher resources are being used in classrooms around the world...they’re comprehensive, consistent, engaging, and effective! My team of teachers and I designed them to help students of all ability levels master the skills and standards...and to keep everything simple for you, the teacher. Because being a great teacher shouldn’t have to be hard. ❤️

Math Units
Each ready-to-teach unit comes with everything you need to teach standards-based math skills! The instructional PowerPoint is your complete whole-group mini-lesson—just project on the board and teach. Unlike other math units, NSWT math units include small group lessons that include intervention and enrichment suggestions. You’ll also have hands-on and engaging learning activities including games, task cards, and project-based learning.
What's Included
- Daily PowerPoint lessons that break down every math standard into bite-size pieces that make it easy for students to learn challenging skills
- Easy-to-prep activities for small group instruction such as task cards, games, and interactive notebooks provide extra practice in a fun and engaging format that students love
- Vocabulary cards help deepen student understanding of academic language and models represented by the terms
- Anchor charts assist visual learners and provide a student reference throughout each unit
- Graphic organizers for scaffolding students in learning new math concepts
- Suggestions for intervention and level-up activities for enrichment make differentiation easy
- Student problem sets and homework for each lesson
- Project-based learning activities for hands-on, authentic math practice
- Math Test Prep Escape Room provides a fun and engaging review that will have your students hitting it out of the park on test day
- Exit tickets and pre- and post-assessments that make it easy to assess student understanding
- A comprehensive assessment with questions modeled after standardized tests allows students to practice important skills while you assess learning. We’ve also included a scoring rubric which makes it easy to see which skills students still need to master at a glance
2nd grade
- Back to school math review: place value, addition and subtraction, time skills
- Place value: digit values, place value models, base 10, expanded form, word form, skip counting by 5, 10, and 100, adding and subtracting 10 and 100, comparing numbers + project-based learning activity
- Two-digit addition & subtraction: two-digit addition and subtraction with place value blocks, number lines, expanded form, standard algorithm, mental math, one-step word problems, two-step word problems
- Three-digit addition & subtraction: three-digit addition and subtraction with models, commutative property, number lines, expanded form, standard algorithm, relating addition and subtraction, explaining addition and subtraction + project-based learning activity
- Foundations of multiplication and division: even and odd, modeling even numbers and equations, arrays, arrays with equations, partitioning rectangles, partitioning rectangles with equations, arrays and area models
- Time & money: time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour, and five minutes; telling time; penny, nickel dime, quarters, coins, equal values, making a dollar, and dollar and cents; word problems + project-based learning activity
- Measurement: using rulers, inches, feet, measuring tape, yards, centimeters, estimating length, word problems
- Data: picture graphs, bar graphs, making graphs, generating data, line plots, adding & subtracting lengths, word problems
- Geometry: triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, cubes, halves, thirds, fourths, partitioning shapes, word problems
- Review: place value, comparing numbers, addition, subtraction, money, time, measurement, data, geometry, foundations of multiplication
3rd Grade
- Back to school math review: time, fact families, skip counting, hundreds chart, patterns, place value
- Place value: place value forms, finding tens, rounding to the nearest ten, finding hundreds, rounding to the nearest hundred,
- Addition & subtraction: addition on a number line, word problems with addition, addition using the standard algorithm, commutative property, associative property, addition review, subtraction on a number line, subtraction with models, subtraction with the standard algorithm, subtracting across zeros, word problems, subtraction review, relationship between addition and subtraction (including word problems)
- Multiplication: Repeated addition, equal groups, zero & identity properties, arrays, multiplication on a number line, skip counting, patterns in multiplication charts, commutative property, associative property, multiples of ten, multiplication word problems
- Division: equal groups, repeated subtraction, dividing using tape diagrams, arrays, division as multiplication, fact families, missing factor, missing divisor, solving word problems involving division, solving 1- and 2-step word problems
- Area & perimeter: quadrilaterals, finding area, distributive property, perimeter, rectilinear shapes, area & perimeter word problems
- Fractions: unit fractions, fractions on a number line, fractions that equal one whole, fractions greater than one, fractions greater than one on a number line, whole number fractions, whole number fractions on a number line, equivalent fractions, equivalent fractions on a number line, comparing fractions with like denominators, comparing fractions with like numerators
- Measurements: telling time to the hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, five minutes, and to the minute; elapsed time on a clock and on a number line; word problems including elapsed time, grams and kilograms, liters and milliliters, rounding and estimating in word problems, measuring to the nearest inch, half inch, and quarter inch
- Graphing & data: analyzing and creating picture graphs, analyzing and creating bar graphs, analyzing line plots, creating bar graphs
- Review & test prep for rounding, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, distributive property, multiplication properties, area & perimeter, two-step word problems, fractions, measurement
4th grade
- Back to school review: addition & subtraction, multiplication & division, area & perimeter, fractions
- Place value, addition & subtraction: number forms, digit values, comparing numbers, rounding to the nearest million, addition with 7 digits, subtraction with 7 digits, estimation, number patterns, multi-step word problems, project-based learning
- Multiplication: multiplicative comparisons, multiplying by 10, 100, and 1,000, multiplying by 1- by 2-digit with partial productions, multiplying 1- by 3-digit partial products, multiplying 1- by 4-digit partial productions, multiplication with the standard algorithm, 2-digit by 2-digit with area model, 2-digit by 2-digit with standard algorithm, factors, prime, and composite, factors and multiples, word problems
- Division: introducing remainders, remainders with equal groups, remainders with arrays, area model with no remainders, area model with remainders, 2-digit by 1-digit division with partial quotients, 3-digit by 1-digit division with partial quotients, 4-digit by 1-digit division with partial quotients, dividing with the standard algorithm, divide by 10s, 100s, and 1,000s, estimate quotients, word problems, movie-themed multiplication and division project-based learning
- Comparing fractions: decomposing fractions, equivalent fractions with tape diagrams, equivalent fractions with area models, equivalent fractions with area models and multiplication, equivalent fractions with area models and division, using benchmarks to compare fractions, finding common units to compare fractions, finding common denominators to compare fractions, ordering fractions, word problems
- Operations with fractions: decomposing fractions, adding & subtracting parts of a whole, adding & subtracting fractions like denominators, mixed numbers/improper fractions, adding fractions: mixed numbers, subtracting fractions: mixed numbers, adding & subtracting mixed numbers, adding fractions: related denominators, subtracting fractions: related denominators, adding & subtracting fractions: related denominators, adding fractions: associative property, adding mixed numbers: associative property; multiplying whole numbers and fractions, multiplying whole and mixed numbers, word problems
- Fractions & decimals: equivalent fractions with denominators 10 & 100, decimals, tenths and decimals using models, tenths and decimals using number lines, hundredths and decimals using grids, hundredths and decimals using number lines, fractions and decimals, comparing decimals, word problems, party-planning project-based learning
- Geometry: classifying lines, parallel and perpendicular lines, types of angles, right triangles, benchmark angles, measuring angles, measuring and classifying angles, sketching angles, angles, additive angles, lines of symmetry, classifying shapes, word problems, aquarium-based project-based learning
- Measurement & data: measurement systems: inches, feet, and yards; centimeters, meters, and kilometers; kilograms and grams; pounds and ounces; liters and milliliters; gallons, pints, quarts, and cups; money; time; conversion tables and number pairs; line plots; area and perimeter; area and perimeter: rectilinear figures; word problems; project-based learning
- Test-prep review: place value, addition, and subtraction, multiplication 1 by 4, multiplication 2 by 2, division, division with remainders, comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, adding and subtracting mixed numbers, fractions and decimals, comparing decimals, classifying lines, angles, variables, multi-step word problems, escape room review
5th grade
- Back to school review: addition and subtraction, multiplication strategies, division strategies, fractions and decimals, ordering fractions
- Place value: whole number place values, multiplying whole numbers by the powers of ten, exponents, decimal place values, multiplying decimals by the powers of ten, compare decimals, order decimals, round decimals to the nearest whole numbers, round decimals to the nearest tenth, round decimals to the nearest hundredth, rounding decimals, word problems
- Whole number operations: estimating products, multiple single-digit numbers, multiply by multi-digit numbers with area model, multiply by multi-digit numbers, estimating quotients, division with partial quotients, division with the standard algorithm, order of operations, interpret expressions, evaluate expressions, write expressions, word problems, project-based learning
- Decimal operations: add decimals with base ten blocks, add decimals with the standard algorithm, subtract decimals with base ten blocks, subtract decimals with the standard algorithm, multiply decimals with models, multiply decimals by whole numbers, multiple decimals by decimals, dividing decimals with models, dividing decimals with the standard algorithm, project-based learning
- Adding and subtracting fractions: estimating sums with benchmarks, addition with models, addition with models (mixed numbers), finding common denominators, addition using common denominators, addition using common denominators (mixed numbers), estimating differences with benchmarks, subtraction with models, subtraction with models (mixed numbers), subtraction with common denominators, subtraction with common denominators (mixed numbers), word problems
- Multiplying and dividing fractions: understanding fractions, multiplying whole numbers with models, multiplying fractions by whole numbers, multiplying fractions by fractions, understanding products, scaling, multiplying mixed numbers by fractions, finding the area of rectangles whole numbers by fractions, finding the area of rectangles whole numbers by mixed numbers, finding the area of rectangles fractions by fractions, finding the area of rectangles mixed numbers by mixed numbers, multiplication word problems, multiplication review, interpret remainders, divide whole numbers by unit fractions, divide whole numbers by unit fractions word problems, divide unit fractions by whole numbers, word problems, project-based learning
- More units coming this year (2024)!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is an excellent math curriculum. Its easy to follow instructions, with done-for-you powerpoints makes it easy to “open and go”. I’ve never really used a true open and go curriculum but this one fits the bill. —Amy G.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I am so happy to have a math bundle to teach the math standards. I appreciate not having to make slides everyday. My students love playing the games that are included. I use the task cards during my centers. This has greatly cut down the amount of time I was spending each week on planning and making slides. My daughter’s teacher used these when she was in third grade. I loved them so much I had to buy them for myself. —Jill G.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ These are amazing and that is an understatement! My kids loved these and they made teaching so much more engaging! I love these and they are my go-to for this upcoming year! So sad that it took me so long to find these! —Nicole L.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ After coming from 10 years in kindergarten, I was really nervous about teaching 3rd grade (especially math). This is an amazing program. The kids are very engaged, the games are fun and it is easy to teach! 2 thumbs up for sure! Very well thought out and organized. Has everything you need! —Kristina N.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It really is a no-prep package. You can print and give it to the students to learn and enjoy. —Megan M.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Wowsa! This is a great resource for a full year of everything you need to teach 4th grade math. I LOVE the presentations and how there are vocabulary, warm ups, skills practice and lesson all in one. It really helps to keep me on task and not drag out my lessons. Thank you! —Kellie P.
Math Centers
These math centers are engaging and effective, and simple for you, the teacher. Each set of centers follows the same format, so you only have to teach the expectations and procedures at the beginning of the year! All centers are low-prep and are included in color, black and white, and digital versions.
Best of all, while your students are engaged in meaningful review of every math skill and standard—you’ll be freed up to teach your small groups with way fewer interruptions.
What's Included
- Easy-to-prep activities that help students review every math skill and standard
- Student-friendly directions and consistent tasks make it easy for students to complete independently
- Student recording notebooks have space to complete 10 centers, and were designed to save paper and prep time
- Simple answer keys & labels to keep center materials organized
2nd Grade
- Back to School: math journaling (subtraction), word problems (addition & subtraction), roll and build a number (place value & making numbers), place value (10 more and 10 less), 2- digit addition, making 10, measurement (with non-standard units), missing numbers (additions and subtraction), telling time, comparing numbers (2-digit)
- Place value: math journaling (counting 10s), word problems (addition & subtraction), pick a number (3-digit place value & making numbers), odds & evens, add to subtract, making 10, skip counting (counting by 1s, 2s, and 3s), number patterns, place value match (expanded form and base 10 models), comparing numbers (3 digit)
- Two-digit addition: math journaling (missing addend), word problems (with and without regrouping, two and three addends), roll a problem, three & four addends, using expanded form, using break apart strategy, spin to add (with and without regrouping), missing numbers (using a hundreds chart to add), addition and sum matching (with and without regrouping), using a number line to add
- Two-digit subtraction: math journaling, word problems (with and without regrouping), roll a problem, choose a strategy, using friendly numbers, using break apart strategy, draw a word problem (subtraction with and without regrouping), missing numbers (using a hundreds chart to subtract), making friendly numbers, using a number line to subtract
- Time and money: math journaling (adding coins), word problems (money and change), spin a problem (coin value), drawing clocks, determining the minutes past the hour or until the next hour, identifying coin value, making change, true or false (does the digital time match the analog clock?), reading analog clocks, reading clocks and am or pm
- Three-digit addition: math journaling (with regrouping), word problems (with and without regrouping), roll a problem, true or false sort (checking answers), expanded form to add, break apart strategy to add, spin to add, missing numbers in addition equations, equation and sum match, number lines to add
- Three-digit subtraction: math journaling (with regrouping), word problems (with and without regrouping), roll a problem, true or false sort (checking answers), add to subtract, break apart strategy to subtract, spin to subtract, missing numbers in subtraction equations, equation and difference match, number lines to subtract
- Measurement & graphs: math journaling, word problems (addition & subtraction with measurement), create a picture graph, true or false sort (data from a bar graph), line plot graph, picture graph data, measure twice (inches and centimeters), roll a bar graph, estimate measurement (with different units), how much longer? (measuring two objects and comparing)
- Geometry and fractions: math journaling, drawing 2D figures, making shapes with pattern blocks, naming the fraction of a whole, making rows and columns, attributes of figures true/false sort (2D and 3D), spin to divide shapes into equal shares, missing numbers (attributes of shapes), matching 2D and 3D shapes with their name, adding rows and columns
- Multiplication: repeated addition, equal groups, skip counting
3rd grade
- Back to School: math journaling, addition & subtraction word problem task cards, adding doubles, clocks, coins, fact families, hundreds charts patterns, missing addends, number patterns, write your own word problem,
- Addition and subtraction: math journaling, addition & subtraction word problem task cards, regrouping, vocabulary, roll a problem (3 digit adding and subtracting), spin a problem (2 and 3 digit adding and subtracting), estimation: rounding to add, missing numbers in math facts, addition or subtraction?, write your own word problem
- Place value: math journaling, mystery number task cards, rounding to the nearest 10 sort, rounding to the nearest 100 sort, rounding patterns on a 100s chart, mentally adding and subtracting 10 and 100, expanded form task cards, value of a digit, making the least and greatest number with specified digits, write your own word problem
- Multiplication: math journaling, multiplication word problem task cards, commutative property, meaning of multiplication using words, arrays, skip counting, multiplication patterns, missing factors, multiplying multiples of 10, write your own word problem
- Time and elapsed time: math journaling, elapsed time word problem task cards, drawing clocks, telling time to the minute, elapsed time between 2 clocks, vocabulary, measuring a minute (will need a timer), writing times that activities take place (analog and digital), adding or subtracting minutes from a time, write your own word problem
- Division: math journaling, word problem task cards, arrays, fact families, related multiplication facts, division facts, missing numbers in division equations, repeated subtraction, division strategies, write your own word problem
- Fractions: math journaling, word problem task cards, fraction of a shape, fractions number lines, comparing fractions, equivalent fractions, fraction vocabulary, roll and draw fractions, fraction picture, write your own word problem
- Measurement & data: math journaling, word problem task cards, which unit? (what unit is used to measure the capacity and weight of a given object?), measure a shape (area and perimeter), draw a shape (with a given area), measure a line (to the nearest 1/4 inch), line plot, read a graph, making a bar graph, write your own word problem
- Test prep: math journaling (multiplication and division relationship), 2-step word problem task cards, addition & subtraction, rounding to the nearest 10 and 100, measuring area and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes, reading bar graphs and pictographs, naming quadrilaterals, missing factors (multiplication and division facts), reading clocks and elapsed time, comparing fractions and equivalent fractions
- Geometry: quadrilaterals, vocabulary, mystery shapes
4th grade
- Back to school: math journaling, word problem task cards, addition & subtraction (with regrouping), rounding to the nearest 10 & 100, area and perimeter, graphs (bar graph and picture graph), multiplication chart patterns, missing factors, clocks to the nearest minute, comparing and equivalent fractions
- Place value: math journaling, mystery number task cards, rounding to the nearest 100, rounding to the nearest 1,000, making numbers (greatest and least value), expanded form, comparing numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10, digit value, writing the mystery number problem
- Multiplication: math journaling, word problems (2 digit x 2 digit and 3 digit x 1 digit), prime or composite?, multiples, mystery numbers (using factors), comparisons (ex: 144 is 12 times as many as___), vocabulary, area models (you can substitute a different strategy if needed), multiple digit equations, write your own word problem
- Division: math journaling, word problems, remainder sort, true or false? (are the equations correct? includes equations with and without remainders), multiplication or division? (word problem task cards), quotient sort, vocabulary, missing factor multiplication equations, long division equations (without remainders), write your own word problem (given a certain dividend and quotient)
- Fractions: math journaling, word problems (addition, subtraction and multiplying a fraction by a whole number), comparing fractions to one-half, matching fractions with tenths to their equivalent hundredths fraction, mystery fraction word problems, equivalent fraction sort, vocabulary, multiplying fractions by whole numbers, rolling fractions (converting improper fractions to mixed numbers), write your own word problem (given a certain answer)
- Decimals: math journaling (explaining the difference between a whole number and decimal), word problems (addition and subtraction to the hundredth), roll a problem (value of a decimal and addition of decimals), rounding to the nearest whole number, making numbers (making the largest and smallest value with decimals), expanded form, color coding (comparing fractions and decimals to one-half), comparing decimals, value of digits, word form
- Measurement: math journaling (area and perimeter of a square), word problems (real world area and perimeter problems), roll a problem (drawing shapes with a given area and perimeter), drawing shapes with a given area, vocabulary match, solving for area and perimeter task cards, color coding (units of measurement), measurement conversions (standard and metric), elapsed time, write the problem (area and perimeter)
- Geometry: measuring angles and classifying as acute, right or obtuse (color code); sorting attributes or triangles and squares (color code); lines of symmetry; drawing (lines, angles, parallel lines and perpendicular lines); additive angles; shape attributes; grouping shapes by attributes; drawing angles with a given measurement; vocabulary sort; math journal (symmetry)
- Test prep: equivalent fractions (color code), prime or composite sort, addition and subtraction of decimals, word problems, measuring angles, area and perimeter, multiplication (2 and 3-digit), division, vocabulary sort, math journal (decimals)
5th Grade
- Back to school: math journaling, word problems (all four operations), decimals to the tenths, rounding (to the nearest hundred and the nearest thousand), geometry (area and perimeter of squares, rectangles and irregular shapes), graphs (bar graph and picture graph), comparing fractions and decimals to 1/2, 5-digit subtraction equations (with regrouping), elapsed time, fractions (reducing and equivalent)
- Place value: math journaling (value of a whole number vs. decimal), this or that? (read clues to determine the correct number), rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, rounding to the nearest tenth and hundredth, making numbers (using number tiles to create numbers with the least or greatest value), expanded form, comparing decimals to .5, powers of 10 (multiplying & dividing by 10, 100 or 1,000), value of underlined digits, word form
- Multiplication: math journaling (explaining zero place holders), this or that? (determine the missing factor or the product with the clues given), word problems (multiplication of 2 and 3-digit numbers), roll a product (2-digit multiplication), error analysis (2 and 3-digit multiplication), color code (using the associative property), vocabulary match, 2-digit x 3-digit numbers, 2-digit x 4-digit numbers, write a word problem (given two factors)
- Division: math journaling (explaining remainders); word problems (2-digit divisors); one-digit divisors; two-digit divisors; roll a problem (1-digit divisors with 4-digit dividends); roll a problem (2-digit divisors with 5-digit dividends); remainders as a whole number, decimal and fraction; vocabulary match, understanding remainders, multiplication or division?
- Decimals: math journaling (explaining how to multiply and divide decimals), vocabulary, addition of decimals, subtraction of decimals, roll a problem (addition & subtraction of decimals), multiplication of decimals, division of decimals, error correction (multiplication & division of decimals), mixed operations with decimals, word problems (mixed operations)
- Fractions: color coding (simplifying fractions), reducing fractions (proper and improper), addition of fractions (unlike denominators), subtraction of fractions (unlike denominators), multiplication of fractions (unlike denominators), division of fractions (unlike denominators), addition and subtraction of mixed numbers, vocabulary match, math journal (simplifying fractions), word problems (mixed operations)
- Geometry: missing number (solving for one side given the area), area or perimeter sort, solving for area (with fractions), volume of a 3D shape, word problems (area and perimeter), identifying shapes (with given attributes), sorting shapes by attributes, graphing ordered pairs, vocabulary, math journal (volume)
- Equations: exponents, order of operations, solve and sort equations, addition and subtraction with variables, multiplication and division with variables, all four operations with variables, graphing equations, writing expressions, vocabulary, math journal (inverse operations)
- Test prep: multiplication (3 & 4 digits), long division (2-4 digits), decimals (all operations), improper and proper fractions, addition & subtraction of mixed numbers, multiplication of whole numbers & fractions, order of operations, measurement conversions, coordinate plane, 3-step word problem (volume)
- Graphing and data mini set: line plot graphs; bar graphs; mean, median and range
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This resource has been a great help! When I need to figure out what to do for centers, I can just pull out this resource instead of making things up. The kids work very well with these also. —Anthony C.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My students and both love this! Traditional math instruction wasn’t working for my student, so this helps so much! Love, love, love the explicit lesson plans for mini lessons, supporting resources and small group plans! Thank you! I can’t wait to help my students love math as much as I do! — Rebecca S.

Writing Units
My Science of Reading-aligned writing units are your complete kit for instructing students in different genres: Personal Narrative, Informational, Opinion, and Fiction. There are many ways to differentiate the writing assignments, and each unit comes with mentor texts (you won’t need to look for additional books). Best of all? These lessons are ready to go—all you have to do is print and teach!
What's Included
- Detailed teacher directions and suggestions for simple implementation—you really can just print & teach!
- Unit-at-a-glance calendar for each unit
- 7 exclusive videos walking you through how to get the most out of these writing units
- Daily lesson plans that include guiding questions, materials, mini lessons, student work tasks, student share tasks, intervention, and several extension activities—so you know exactly what you’ll say and do each day
- Original mentor text passages so you don’t need to hunt for additional books
- Sets of task cards that incorporate movement, reinforce concepts, and make learning fun
- Teacher anchor charts (blank and filled-in versions that you can project right onto your white board)
- Student anchor charts and printables for writing notebooks that make it easy for students to follow along without having to write every word or draw complicated diagrams
- Conferencing lesson cards that make it easy to give student feedback
- Rubrics for all four genres that make grading easier and faster
- Multiple ideas for author share celebrations
- DIGITAL writing notebooks on Google Slides to save paper and printing time
- Personal Narratives: setting goals, understanding what a personal narrative format is, generating story ideas, narrowing your story idea to a small moment, rehearsing and drafting, writing a lead, adding and punctuating dialogue, adding details, word choice, show (don’t tell), breaking writing into paragraphs, transition words, writing an ending, editing, publishing
- Informational reports: setting goals, understanding what an informational report is, generating report ideas, narrowing your report idea to a seed, research and note taking, paraphrasing, table of contents, subtopics, drafting, writing a lead, topic and concluding sentences, word choice (adding vocabulary and definitions), adding details, transitions, writing a conclusion, text features, editing, publishing
- Opinion (persuasive) writing: setting goals, understanding what an opinion essay is, generating essay ideas, drafting, writing strong opinion statements, writing a lead, supporting your opinion with reasons, considering your audience, consider opposing opinions, supporting your opinion with examples, paragraphs, writing a lead, topic and concluding sentences, word choice, transitions, writing a conclusion, editing, publishing, generating deeper topics (research-based)
- Fiction narratives: setting goals, understanding what a fiction narrative is, developing characters, developing setting (show-don’t-tell), problem and solution, author’s point of view, writing a lead, creating suspense, adding and punctuating dialogue, word choice (strong verbs), paragraphs, transitions, writing an ending, editing
The Science of Reading
How my writing bundles are aligned with the Science of Reading:
- Structured writing routine: Each 8-week unit is carefully structured, beginning with foundational skills before moving into more advanced skills. Students are taught a systematic approach to writing including: brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
- Explicit instruction: Daily lessons begin with explicit instruction including access to examples via mentor texts, modeling, and directed practice. Each skill is broken down into bite-size pieces so that students can learn one skill at a time. Students practice skills independently, working on one sentence or paragraph at a time.
- Differentiation: Writing is differentiated through small group instruction that provides reteaching, additional practice, and support at appropriate levels.
- Daily opportunities to write: The majority of the writing lesson is reserved for independent writing time, providing students with large blocks of time to write and practice skills every day.
- Demonstrates the connection between reading and writing: Mentor texts provide concrete examples of writing skills and allow children to experiment with and apply sophisticated skills and language in their own writing. In addition, constructing their own writing pieces helps students recognize, connect, and understand these strategies when reading.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I have never been very confident when it comes to teaching writing, and I am always looking for products to help me out. Until now, I have never been able to find something that just “fits” my style. This product is so thorough, everything that I need is right here, and I love how everything is laid out day by day. I am going into this school year more confident in my writing lessons than I have ever been.” – Jessica D.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “…These were LIFE CHANGING! The end product from my students is so much better than before! I bought one to try it out and came back and bought the rest after their writing turned out so awesome!” – Lauren E.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “BEST RESOURCE I’VE EVER BOUGHT ON TPT!!!!!!!!! PERFECTION!!!!!!!!! You get it. You get what I need! You get what writing workshop is REALLY like! You get that the mini-lessons need to be MINI! You get what a 3rd grader can handle in one lesson. You get that a teacher doesn’t have time to read a 6-page lesson plan in a teacher’s edition. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!” – Kristen K.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Wow. This is a complete writing curriculum with little prep work for the teacher. I struggled to help my students write, simply sending them back to “write a story about…” and getting nothing. This helped so much in engaging their writing, creating and fostering practice and mistake making, and in turn gave me the best group of writing I’ve seen!” —Ashley B.

Grammar Units
With my grammar units, your students can become excellent grammarians in just 10 minutes a day! You’ll have everything you need to teach, practice, and assess 32 weeks of skills (including review weeks). All the planning and prep has been done for you—just print and teach.
What's Included
- Detailed teacher instructions, including a recommended schedule for the week and instructions on how to use digital assessments
- PowerPoint presentations for the mini-lesson each week
- Student interactive notebook activities (with covers and answer keys)
- 32 sets of task cards (with labels, recording sheets, and answer keys)
- Assessments (with answer key)
- Digital versions of each activity, including an editable digital assessment
- Grammar Pacing Guide
2nd grade
- Unit One: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, regular plural nouns, types of sentences, review
- Unit Two: irregular plural nouns, common & proper nouns, collective nouns, possessive nouns, reflexive nouns, contractions, formal vs. informal language, review
- Unit Three: conjunctions, verb tenses, irregular past tense verbs, context clues, simple & compound sentences, compound words, adjectives & adverbs, review
- Unit Four: commas in letter writing, prefixes, suffixes, multiple meaning words, shades of meaning, dictionary skills, spelling patterns, review
3rd grade
- Unit One: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, regular plural nouns, irregular plural nouns, review
- Unit Two: common and proper nouns, concrete and abstract nouns, possessive nouns, verb tenses, irregular past tense verbs, helping verbs, linking verbs, review
- Unit Three: comparative and superlative adverbs and adjectives, conjunctions, subject & predicate, subject & verb agreement, pronoun & antecedent agreement, simple & compound sentences, capitalizing titles, review
- Unit Four: dialogue, addresses, prefixes, suffixes, multiple meaning words, shades of meaning, dictionary skills (entry and guide words), review
4th grade
- Unit One: nouns and adjectives, personal pronouns, verbs, subject verb agreement, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, review
- Unit Two: capitalization, sentences & fragments, homophones, synonyms & antonyms, similes & metaphors, dictionary skills, roots & affixes
- Unit Three: commas in a series, commas before conjunction, commas and quotation marks pt. 1, commas and quotation marks pt. 2, prepositional phrases week 1, prepositional phrases week 2, commas after prepositions, review
- Unit Four: ordering adjectives, relative adverbs, relative pronouns, possessive pronouns, modal auxiliaries (freebie), irregular verb tenses, verb tenses, review
5th grade
- Unit One: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, regular plural nouns, irregular plural nouns, review
- Unit Two: titles of works, correcting sentences, homophones, synonyms & antonyms, adages, idioms, and proverbs, dictionary skills, roots and affixes, review
- Unit Three: introductory elements, subordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, punctuation in a series, compound sentences, complex sentences, correcting run-on sentences, review
- Unit Four: direct & indirect objects, combine sentences, expand sentences, context clues, using correct verb tense, irregular verb tenses, verb tenses, review
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This was a wonderful resource to use! I wanted to implement interactive notebooks as a way for students to take notes, get practice, and have a reference to look back on with grammar, and this was my ticket to success! The set-up of the student pages makes it very easy to use, as the cuts needed are simple and streamlined. The teacher materials give great information to share with students. I used this instead of my school’s grammar curriculum because it was more engaging and effective, and the learning progression made a lot more sense to me and to them. This is a great resource that I highly recommend!” —Rebecca M.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Where do I even begin with this review. I have never been happier with a tpt purchase. Grammar is so hard to teach, boring, and overwhelming. The curriculum my school uses is not student friendly what so ever. This took out all the guess work and saved me so much stress. If you are on the edge because of the price, you will not regret it.” —Bailey B.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I am completely blown away at the forethought, organization and structure of this Grammar bundle. Not So Wimpy Teacher really broke down the meat and potatoes for us in an oganized and engaging way so that we can introduce the contept, discuss it, practice it, then utilize it. I love this approach and while I’ve used other supplements in the past that were engaging I still felt like they missed the mark because they didn’t include instruction as much as practice. I STRONGLY recommend this bundle. Worth every penny and I can’t wait to use it this summer.” —Christin R.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I truly wish I had this at the beginning of the school year because it has been an amazing resource. The school-assigned curriculum was not nearly as detailed with the grammar and it was confusing to even teach at times, but the way this is laid out in a week-by-week setup, with opportunities for reviewing concepts along the way, it is just SUCH a life saver. I will definitely be using this in future years because it has been super helpful and required so little prep because I knew the routine each week.” —Morgan D.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “My students look forward to each of the activities each day. The ones who like the visuals, are thrilled about Mondays and the powerpoint. Those who rather cut and glue and manipulate things, prefer the days of the interactive notebook. I have found that many students are now engaged through grammar than they are with some of the other topics being taught. I like that this resource is so laid out with consistency and doesn’t take long at all, once the routine is in placed.” —S.C.

Spelling Units
This unique, Science of Reading-aligned, concept-based spelling program is focused on helping students learn spelling rules and patterns—not memorizing words. This approach ensures that students gain a conceptual understanding of why words are spelled the way they are—which will help your students gain skills they can apply to new, unknown words.
The program is also flexible (use it between 2-5 days per week), easy to differentiate, and simple to use!
What's Included
- PowerPoint mini lessons teach patterns and rules so that students learn to spell thousands of words
- Differentiated spelling lists make it simple to meet student needs
- Anchor charts assist visual learners and provide a student reference throughout each unit.
- Interactive notebook activities reinforce spelling rules
- Task cards can be used for centers, review, or whole group activities.
- Practice sheets give students the opportunity to recognize the skill in written texts and bridge the gap between spelling and reading
- Homework sheets (optional) provide additional practice before assessment
- Assessments cover both the weekly spelling list and general skill
- Spelling Inventory allows you to easily assess students and decide which spelling list is right for them
- Sample schedules show how to implement the spelling program in 2-5 days per week
- Detailed teacher directions provide flexibility and make implementation in the classroom easy
2nd Grade
- Unit One: word families, consonants & vowels, short vowels, consonant blends, digraphs sh/th, double consonants, syllables, review
- Unit Two: long vowels: final e, soft c & g sounds, open syllables, vowel teams: ay/ai, vowel teams oy/oi, vowel teams: ee/ea, vowel teams: ow/oa, review
- Unit Three: words with tch & ch, words with ck, words with dge, r-controlled vowels: ar/or, r-controlled vowels: er, r- controlled vowels: ir/ur, closed syllables, review
- Unit Four: word parts, suffixes part 1: 1-1-1 doubling rule, suffixes part 2: final e rule, suffixes part 3: y to i rule, adding s & es to words, consonant + le words, word families, review
3rd Grade
- Unit One: word families, consonants & vowels, syllables, short vowels, long vowels, consonant blends, digraphs sh/th/ph, review
- Unit Two: using tch and ch, using ck and dge, double consonants, closed syllables, final e & vowels, digraphs ay/ai, digraphs oy/oi, review
- Unit Three: digraphs ar/or, digraphs er/ir/ur, word parts, suffixes, word families, unit three review
- Unit Four: consonants + le, long a, long e, long i, long o, long u, compound words, review
4th & 5th Grade
- Unit One: word families, consonants & vowels, syllables, vowel sounds, consonant blends, digraphs, using tch, ck & dge, and unit one review
- Unit Two: closed syllables, open syllables, r-controlled vowels, consonant + le words, vowel teams, diphthongs, jobs of e, unit two review
- Unit Three: word parts, suffixes: 1-1-1 doubling rule, suffixes: 2-1-1 rule, suffixes: final e rule, suffixes: y to i rule, suffixes: adding s and es, multiple suffixes, unit three review
- Unit Four: long a words, long e words, long i words, long o words, long u words, quadgraphs, word families, unit four review
The Science of Reading
How my spelling units are aligned with the Science of Reading:
- Systematic approach to teaching spelling that supports decoding by helping students recognize and understand the relationship between individual sounds, patterns and syllables, and written symbols.
- Strong focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, and word recognition.
- Students are explicitly taught how letters and groups of letters connect to sounds to form letter/sound relationships and spelling patterns.
- Students are provided opportunities to read and write words in the practice pages, interactive notebooks, and task cards.
- Differentiated spelling lists provide appropriate instruction for all students.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This is the best spelling program I have used in my teacher career! I love that it is aligned with the science of reading. The concepts are sequenced beautifully and the activities are engaging. Thanks for an excellent resource!” —Kris R.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Such a helpful resource to teach my students with! They were very poor spellers, who lacked fundamental skills. This resource broke skills down into manageable chunks to help students feel successful while closing some gaps they had.” —Deborah O.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I was looking for a spelling program to use with my students and this one is perfect! I love how the lessons are broken down day-by-day for me and my students! Differentiation is super simple with the program, and my students are picking up the routines and loving the variety of activities for each list. Thank you!” —Karen M.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “ANOTHER fabulous resource from NSWT! I had been waiting for the second grade version and it was worth the wait – this is a game changer for me. My class is already familiar with the NSWT grammar lessons, so this was a seamless addition to my ELA lessons. It has everything you need, and more! I can’t even choose a favorite part, other than having the whole year already planned for me! Don’t miss this if you need a spelling curriculum that is kid friendly, hits the standards, and is easy to implement!” -Jen D.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This is an amazing resource! My kiddos had no troubles getting right into it. Practicing words within the same word families and then branching out from there has improved, not only their spelling but their confidence to use new words and take some risks in their vocabulary. And in addition to that, parents were excited to see some patterns and consistency in the words that were coming home. They were better equipped to help, since they knew the patters and could give the kids other words in the same family. This program has been a life, and time saver!” —Linda T.

Reading Units with Centers
My easy-to-prep reading units and centers are designed to help your students practice and master standards-based reading comprehension skills in a fun and engaging way. Student-friendly directions and consistent centers enable independent practice. Designed to enrich and supplement any curriculum, these reading units with centers are crafted to integrate seamlessly with teaching materials you already use.
What's Included
- Each unit comes with 2 PowerPoint mini-lessons that explicitly teach the standards
- The mini-lessons come with detailed teacher directions and suggestions for simple implementation—you really can just print & teach!
- Centers and interactive notebook activities are easy-to-prep and use consistent expectations and procedures, so you only have to teach them at the beginning of the year
- Original reading passages have high-interest topics that keep students engaged and excited about reading
- Mid-unit and end-of-unit assessments make it easy to assess student understanding
2nd grade
- Fiction: answering questions, character response, story elements, story structure, central message, point of view, compare & contrast, poetry
- Nonfiction: main idea, context clues, author’s main purpose, text features, making connections, author’s point, compare & contrast, answering questions
3rd grade
- Fiction: character traits, asking & answer questions, context clues, point of view, central message, cause & effect, compare & contrast, poetry & figurative language
- Nonfiction: main idea & details, context clues, point of view, text features, cause & effect, sequence, asking & answering questions, compare & contrast
4th grade
Coming soon!
5th grade
Coming soon!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I use this resource DAILY. My students love our reading notebooks. I love how everything is organized and how all reading standards are covered. We pair this with our reading centers and task cards and my students are engaged all day. I love that you can pick and choose what to use with it. By far more helpful at explicitly teaching a reading standard that most of the curriculum I have seen, and making it kid-friendly and likable for kids.” —Nichole S.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Wonderful resource! My students were very engaged throughout and it was no prep for me! A win-win!” —Heather K.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This is a complete curriculum. It is engaging, well thought out, and organized in a predictable way for students. Everyone (myself included) knew what to expect each day. The centers were the same for every unit. Only the content changed, which is super helpful so students don’t have to relearn a new center activity every week/unit. Get ALL of Jaime’s products. She’s amazing.” —Ashley J.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This resource is amazing! I was struggling to figure out what to teach my students in a resource classroom and this has been a huge help! It has everything you need to plan and teach each unit. It took the guesswork out of my planning.” —Heather P.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I bought these my first year teaching 3rd and it saved my life. The students loved these and they followed them with ease and stayed engaged. It helped my first year run so smoothly and I still use them to this day!” —Rosa A.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “These are AMAZING timesavers when teaching these concepts. Definitely recommend this resource and all that Jamie and her team does. Loved these reading mini lessons and all the activities that came along with it.” —Kathryn C.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This reading bundle is everything I was looking for in a curriculum. It is laid out so perfectly so it is easy to implement. Not only this, but the lessons and activities are clear and engaging. The standards are aligned so well and help me to make sure my 2nd graders are on track. The centers are a great way to get students practicing the concepts. I love that I can use this resource in however many days I need, as it is so flexible to work with. Between the interactive notebook, the assessments, and more- there is plenty to do and it is very usable as a stand alone curriculum. I love it, my students love it, and it makes me feel so organized. I only wish I would have found it sooner!” —Rebecca S.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I don’t know how this woman finds the time in her day to do all that she does! This resource, like all her others that I’ve used, is incredibly useful. It is SYSTEMATIC, THOROUGH, and ORGANIZED. The planning and presentation leave more time for me to work in small groups and one-on-one with my students; and what’s even better, because of this resource, I have more time and am better able to focus on identifying my students’ needs which, in turn, means we get even more out of our small group and one-on-one time!” —Carrie G.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Another all-in-one, fantastic resource from NSWT. This has everything you’d need to implement a complete year of reading strategy lessons. I had used the digital version during the pandemic instruction, but having the printable centers to go along with the reading units is wonderful. This aligns very well with any reading curriculum and my students have really enjoyed it.” —Angela M.

Reading Passages
These reading comprehension passages provide rigorous, standards-based practice of tough close reading skills—and have high-interest topics that keep students engaged and excited about reading! There’s one passage per week for the entire year, with multiple activities and comprehension questions that you can differentiate with ease.
What's Included
- One reading comprehension passage for each week that are either fiction or nonfiction for students to practice close reading skills like underlining, circling, adding symbols and notes
- Comprehension questions for each passage that require students to think deeply about the reading and find text evidence to support their answers
- One standards-based activity per week per passage for additional practice that keeps kids engaged
- One standards-based reading response writing activity per passage that helps kids develop higher-order thinking skills and use text-evidence
- Teacher and student anchor charts assist visual learners and provide a student reference during close reading
- An “At a Glance” calendar for each month
- Detailed teacher directions and answer keys
- August reading skills covered: context clues, compare and contrast, sequencing, cause and effect, problem and solution, summarizing
- August writing skills covered: compare and contrast, explanatory, opinion, narrative, persuasive
- September reading skills covered: fact or opinion, text features, character traits, point of view, key details
- September writing skills covered: explanatory, opinion, narrative
- October reading skills covered: cause and effect, compare and contrast, character traits, point of view, 5 senses poem
- October writing skills covered: explanatory, opinion, narrative, descriptive, persuasive
- November reading skills covered: ask and answer questions, vocabulary, character changes, main idea, biography
- November writing skills covered: explanatory, opinion narrative, thank-you/friendly letter
- December reading skills covered: sequencing, identifying details, author’s purpose, story elements, figurative language
- December writing skills covered: opinion, narrative, writing a thank you note, explanatory
- January reading skills covered: cause and effect, compare and contrast, author’s purpose, problem and solution, sequence of events
- January writing skills covered: opinion, persuasive, explanatory, narrative
- February reading skills covered: main idea, author’s purpose, fact and opinion, character traits, story elements
- February writing skills: expository, persuasive, explanatory, narrative, opinion
- March reading skills covered: understanding chronological events – timeline, compare & contrast, sequencing, problem and solution, identifying parts of poetry
- March writing skills covered: persuasive, explanatory, narrative, opinion
- April reading skills covered: main idea, compare & contrast, point of view, central message, character traits
- April writing skills covered: expository, opinion, informative, narrative, explanatory
- May reading skills covered: ask & answer questions, sequence, character traits, central message
- May writing skills: expository, opinion, reflection, narrative, persuasive
- June reading skills covered: sequence, key details, vocabulary, figurative language
- June writing skills covered: opinion, expository, informative, narrative, explanatory
- July reading skills covered: ask & answer questions, sequence, fact& opinion, story elements, characters traits
- July writing skills covered: expository, opinion, narrative
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “These have been such a valuable resource in my class this past year. They are perfect for small reading groups. I love that Jamie uses the same format so I don’t have to teach HOW to do the work. The students quickly learn the routine and can engage in the learning. Loved the text variety. I can always count on NSWT!” —Bariann H.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. I can’t stress enough how helpful these will be with my small groups this year. Thank you a million times over for creating these!” —Anne C.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “These close reading passages are perfect for 3rd grade. I love how they’ve been broken up by standard. That makes fitting them into our schedule super simply and topical. That’s one of my favorite things about this bundle: it goes beyond comprehension and can be easily worked into whatever we’re working on in reading. Excellent!!”—Ariane O.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I’ve started using these monthly passages in December and they are my favorite! I love how it uses the same text for the week and works on various skills. My students love them as well. They are great for both whole group, small group and independent instruction. I plan on buying them all!” —Katie T.

Holiday & Seasonal Activities
Give your students extra practice and review with these holiday & seasonal activities! These resources are already differentiated and provide meaningful math, reading, writing, and higher-order thinking opportunities with fun holiday themes. Your students will have so much fun, they won’t even know they’re learning!
What's Included
- Project-based learning activities that use real world situations to practice math and ELA skills
- Reading passages that help students to learn about different holidays and traditions
- Back-to-school and end-of-year activities that make the busy times so much easier to prep and plan for
- Holiday & seasonal activities include: September 11th, Election time, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Winter Sports, Christmas, Winter Holidays, New Year, Superbowl, Valentine’s Day, Leap Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, End of the school year
- Halloween (2nd & 3rd grade): addition & subtraction, money, time, place value, interpreting data, geometry, graphing, word problems
- Halloween (4th & 5th grades): addition, subtraction, multiplication, money, time, place value, interpreting data, decimals, geometry, graphing, fractions, word problems
- Thanksgiving: addition, subtraction, money (decimals in more complex options), problem-solving
- Christmas: reading comprehension, writing (informational, opinion, persuasive, letters), science, communication, critical thinking, creativity, map making, math (problem-solving, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, decimals, fractions, geometry, clocks, elapsed time, graphing), public speaking, reading a recipe, following directions, brainstorming, self-reflection, drawing conclusions, STEM project
- Winter holidays: vocabulary, problem solving, communication
- Valentine’s Day: graphing (pictographs and bar graphs), adding, multiplying, reading recipes, money (with decimals in advanced versions), time and elapsed time, fractions
- St. Patrick’s Day (2nd & 3rd grades): time & elapsed time, money, adding & subtracting, graphing, interpreting data, problem solving
- St. Patrick’s Day (4th & 5th grades): time & elapsed time, area, money, decimals, adding & subtracting, fractions, multiplication, graphing, interpreting data, problem solving
- Easter (2nd & 3rd grades): time & elapsed time, geometry, money, adding & subtracting, graphing, interpreting data, problem solving
- Easter (4th & 5th grades): time & elapsed time, geometry, area, fractions, money, decimals, adding & subtracting, graphing, interpreting data, problem solving
- End-of-the-year: math (addition, subtraction, money, time, graphing, multiplication, division), reading (main idea, context clues, text-evidence, compare & contrast, character traits, point-of-view, opinion)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Super engaging and easy to implement! A life-saver for that last week of school before Christmas break!” —Haley R. (holiday escape room)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I can’t say enough good things about this resource. It-Is-Amazing! My students loved how it moved through the phases of opening the Tree Farm, which brought about some great extension discussions about owning and operating a business! Every day was a new adventure. Their favorite of course, was building the Reindeer Barn! Next year, I want to extend it by teaching them how to build a website to go with the daily activities! Genius resource, as always!” —Amy G. (Christmas activity)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This is a great activity to do on Valentine’s Day to practice some math skills (very easily differentiated) and then decorate some cupcakes afterward. I have used it two years in a row and plan to continue!” —Jamison T.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “My students enjoyed this activity during their small group rotations. It kept them engaged and provided excellent review before the assessment.” —Catherine R. (Valentine’s Day)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I used this with my third graders after watching a video about September 11th. I liked how it was child friendly and emphasized the heroes that day. The children enjoyed learning about each of the heroes and illustrating their booklets.” —Stephanie C.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “My students loved these activities! They were perfect for those days before breaks when it is hard to get students to focus.” —Mindy S. (this is from the holiday bundle)
Did somebody say “differentiation”?
All NSWT resources already have differentiation baked in with love.
But when you join Lesson Genie, you get access to everything for grades 2-5…regardless of what grade you teach. This lets you differentiate with ease!
Download a unit that’s a grade level lower for students who need extra support. Or, download a grade level higher to offer extension to more advanced students.
This is one of the things teachers love BEST about Lesson Genie!
"I already have purchased a lot of her curriculum before this, but I LOVE that I can now access a variety of grades so I can differentiate for my students!!"
"As a longtime NSWT follower, I initially thought I wouldn't need to subscribe to the Lesson Genie because I already had all of the amazing third grade resources offered on tpt and they worked beautifully in my classroom. Then I realized Lesson Genie would give me access to download resources designed for not only third grade, but also second and fourth grade as well for differentiation in my small groups. I subscribed as soon as I got the original email and am so happy I did! This will be my third round of downloading resources and there are still plenty for me to download in the upcoming months. I am also looking forward to new quality resources being added each month. #lessongenie for the win!!"
– Amber B.
Exclusive Bonuses ONLY for Lesson Genie members!
With Lesson Genie, you already unlock access to all 16,000 lessons in the Not So Wimpy Teacher library! But gifting is my love language, and I love giving teachers even more!

Pacing guides for grades 2-5
These pacing guides will help you answer important questions like, “Where do I start? What do I teach first, in what order?” The guides are your year-long teaching roadmap that covers all the standards, scaffolds skill development, includes time for review, and has a realistic timeline for teaching both simple and complex subjects to mastery.

Personalized help + answers to your questions
Looking for organizational tips or resource recommendations? Not sure how to help a student who’s struggling with a particular skill? The entire NSWT team is ready and eager to help you inside the private members-only community! From answering questions to celebrating wins with you, we've got your back. You will not be doing this alone.

First access to new resources
The NSWT library is always growing. As a Lesson Genie member, you get first dibs on trying out new products—before they’re ever released in my store! (Your teacher-bestie will be so impressed.) You’ll get an email letting you know they’re ready for you to click and add to your lesson plans!
Never, ever, ever sacrifice your Sundays to lesson planning again
Instead, get your weekly lesson planning done in just a few minutes, with just a few clicks.
- All-Access Pass to 16,000 lessons for grades 2-5
- Plan out your next week…or the entire year
- Need to shift your schedule? Easily move, skip or replace lessons any time to fit your needs
- Download entire units or exactly what you need for the week (or both)!
- Math units and centers, writing units, grammar units, spelling units, reading units and centers, reading passages, seasonal & holiday resources
- High-quality, standards-aligned, engaging lessons and activities
- Pacing guides to show you the big picture
- Personalized help from the NSWT team
- Get your Sundays + your confidence back
- Watch your students master the standards, grow, and feel excited about learning
Cancel at any time.
"The real MVP of ending my Sunday Scaries! 🏆
I’ve used #lessongenie from its release date and it just keeps getting better. Sooo many amazing resources right at my fingertips. Not to mention the money I have saved using it! 🤑
If you’re on the fence…DO IT! You’ll definitely get your moneys worth and find tons of amazing resources. I am so pumped to implement all of the awesome things I have found. ❤️"
"I love everything about Lesson Genie. It has helped me to be organized and so much more prepared than before. Thank you so much for creating this amazing space for teachers! Now I don't feel like I am spending my life planning! I actually see my own kids!"
Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question not on this list? Email me at and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Lesson Genie is a monthly subscription that grants you access to:
- The entire library of best-selling, top-rated Not So Wimpy Teacher resources for grades 2-5—there are 16,000 lessons waiting for you inside Lesson Genie.
- The Lesson Genie lesson planning tool that organizes the ones you want into weekly lesson plans—just click to add them, and click to download the lessons!
It’s like having a personal assistant who does your lesson planning AND finds the best resources for your classroom.
Yes! You can download entire units. It’s a great way to help you preview a resource and prep materials your way. But here’s the best part – you still get the real magic of Lesson Genie: our planning tool that breaks down those massive units into perfectly organized daily lessons. (Because nobody wants to spend their Sunday sorting through hundreds of pages!) It’s the best of both worlds!
Yes! As a Lesson Genie member, you are actually downloading the resources to your device. Therefore, you will always have access to them as long as they’re still on your device or backed up in the cloud. If you accidentally delete them, we’re unable to re-provide those resources outside of an active subscription.
Yes! Lesson Genie is all about making your life easier. We do the hard part so you can enjoy browsing our high-quality resources and simply push the pink “add to schedule” button and watch the magic happen. From done-for-you resources to brightly colored buttons that make planning & downloading a one-click experience, we think you’ll LOVE jumping into Lesson Genie, whether you’re techie or not. And as always, our team is ready to provide personalized help any time you need it.
Lesson Genie is for teachers who teach 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students only. I do not recommend subscribing if you teach other grade levels.
Yes, if you’re allowed to supplement your curriculum with other high-quality materials and lessons!
You can actually bring your own lessons and resources right into the Lesson Genie planning tool! Just type your details, notes, and links into the planner so you have everything in one place.
But if you must teach your curriculum with fidelity, or your state doesn’t allow you to use other curriculum, Lesson Genie is not right for you.
Ooh, a superfan! I’m thrilled you’re here! So, you know better than anybody that Not So Wimpy Teacher resources are engaging, effective, high-quality, standards-aligned, and consistent.
But, here’s what you might not know: there are hundreds of lessons per grade level! I bet there are probably quite a few resources you don’t have yet! Plus, we are releasing brand new resources every single month!
When you join Lesson Genie, you get access to resources for grades 2-5…which makes differentiation and extension easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.
And do not forget the ✨ magic ✨ of the Lesson Genie lesson planning tool. Not only does it help you schedule your lessons…it breaks down my multi-week units into daily lessons with just one click.
Because Lesson Genie is a monthly subscription, you can cancel at any time (but we hope you won’t!). You’ll be able to keep the resources you’ve already downloaded.
Meet your Lesson Genie AKA “I dream of Jamie!”
Hi, I’m Jamie Sears, the fearless founder of the popular Not So Wimpy Teacher blog and top-rated Teachers Pay Teachers store.
As a best selling curriculum author, I’m passionate about helping 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers simplify their instruction while enhancing student success! Teaching effectively does not have to be complicated, and I create resources, curricula, and digital courses that are easy to implement.
Lesson Genie is my most exciting creation for teachers yet….and I created it for 3 reasons.
- Last year, I needed to prep one of my units. I discovered firsthand just how completely overwhelming one of those huge downloads can be! There were so many files and pages to sort through I thought, “This must be such a huge pain for teachers. How can we make it easier for teachers to use EVERY resource without this feeling?”
- Teachers always say to me, “I want all of your resources, but I can only afford one right now.” With Lesson Genie, you get access to everything right now for only $39!
- My team and I are on a mission to give teachers back their Sundays! We want you to spend less time planning and more time with your family and friends. We know lesson planning is a huge drain—so we figured out how to make it easy for you.
What can I say? My love language is gift-giving—so I created the Lesson Genie that grants teacher wishes!
“Will Lesson Genie really save me money?”
Lesson Genie gives you access to my entire library of resources for only $39/month.
But what would it look like if you bought everything outright?
If a 3rd grade teacher bought our major bundles to teach the entire year, it would break down like this:
Grammar: $80
Spelling: $80
Writing: $109
Writing test prep: $33
Math: $198
Math facts: $24
Math centers: $45
Reading unit: $128 (this is not available for 4th & 5th yet, but coming)
Reading Passages: $80
Vocabulary: $32
Holidays: $40
TOTAL: $849
If you don’t have a cool $849 lying around…you’re probably buying one unit at a time. Which is 20% more expensive than the bundle prices.
So over time, that becomes $1,018.80.
Or…you could spend $39 a month for Lesson Genie.
"Just bought Lesson genie. I LoVE IT!! Genius. really. this is a great innovation. I have been wanting so many of the curriculum bundles and now i have them. at just $39 a month!! Plus the lesson planner to boot! This is not sponsored BTW. 😂"
– – AMY J.
"I have it and absolutely love it - I’m given creative freedom with curriculum and use mostly nswt materials and resources, so I’m saving a ton of money because for $39 a month I get literally whatever lessons materials extras etc I need plus it makes my lesson plans for me and I just print and go from there, while also saving it to my drive so it’s ready for next year"
“Is Lesson Genie right for my teaching style?”
I’d love to help you decide. It’s the #1 question folks have—so let me help you answer that!
Lesson Genie is right for you if...
- You teach 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students
- You want your Sundays back!
- You don’t want to spend hours on your lesson planning anymore
- Your school doesn’t give you the curriculum or resources you need to teach
- You know how important it is to have engaging, high-quality, standards-aligned and consistent resources for your students
- You never want to see the inside of Pinterest or TPT again
- You’d love instant access to the NSWT library of resources for a low fee
- You love watching your students master the standards, grow, and feel excited about learning!
Lesson Genie is NOT right for you if...
- You do NOT teach 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade students (Lesson Genie isn’t for other grades)
- You’re happy with the amount of time you spend on your lesson planning
- You already have access to a high-quality curriculum and resources
- You are required to teach your school curriculum with fidelity
- Spending money on school resources would create a financial hardship for you
- You would rather try to find resources for free, or create your own, or only buy resources from TPT when you need them—instead of paying a monthly fee
- You’re confident that your students are 100% mastering the standards, growing, and feeling excited about learning
"I love that the planning is done and I can focus on what matters most, TEACHING. With your high quality resources I no longer have to spend hours searching TPT for the 'just right' thing that I need. Lesson genie has given me back TIME ! So so thankful for this platform!"
– Pam Q.
"I have it and absolutely love it - I’m given creative freedom with curriculum and use mostly nswt materials and resources, so I’m saving a ton of money because for $39 a month I get literally whatever lessons materials extras etc I need plus it makes my lesson plans for me and I just print and go from there, while also saving it to my drive so it’s ready for next year"
– Stacy A.
Because…wouldn’t you like to take back your Sundays?
With Lesson Genie, I’m granting teachers’ wishes for faster lesson planning and resource finding.
But here’s MY wish for you:
No more burnout.
Stop sacrificing your Sundays to lesson planning.
You deserve to take the whole weekend for yourself.
Fill your free time with friends, family, and joy.
Because you and every other 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teacher deserves to live all out.
With Lesson Genie, all you’ll have to do is show up, plans in hand, and teach.
Never, ever, ever sacrifice your Sundays to lesson planning again
Instead, get your weekly lesson planning done in just a few minutes, with just a few clicks.
- All-Access Pass to 16,000 lessons for grades 2-5
- Plan out your next week…or the entire year
- Need to shift your schedule? Easily move, skip or replace lessons any time to fit your needs
- Download entire units or exactly what you need for the week (or both!)
- Math units and centers, writing units, grammar units, spelling units, reading units and centers, reading passages, seasonal & holiday resources
- High-quality, standards-aligned, engaging lessons and activities
- Pacing guides to show you the big picture
- Personalized help from the NSWT team
- Get your Sundays + your confidence back
- Watch your students master the standards, grow, and feel excited about learning