The Not So WImpy Teacher creates resources for busy teachers in grades 2-5 who are looking to deliver engaging and meaningful lessons without overwhelm and chaos.
Get My FREE Substitute Plans!
Done-for-you substitute plans for grades 2-5! š This free unit includes 5 days of ready-to-use activities for your substitute, making it easier to take the time off you need.
This free unit includes 5 days of ready-to-use activities for your substitute, making it easier to take the time off you need.
Students love the holidays. And these special times provide the perfect opportunity to bring some fun into the classroom. But celebrating the holidays doesn't mean you have to sacrifice learning. These articles are a variety of ideas for celebrating the holidays with easy, engaging, and effective lessons.
I believe that students need to be the leaders of the classroom. Even third graders are old enough to be held accountable and to take responsibility for their learning.
I do not believe that kids were made to sit in seats. They need to get up and move around.
Differentiated instruction is a must. I use guided reading and guided math groups to meet the individual needs of my students.
Helping a student to discover their love for reading is a privilege that I never get tired of.