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Welcome back to The Not So Wimpy Teacher Podcast! I am back this week to continue our series on teaching writing. In today’s episode, I want to talk about how you can be a kick-butt writing teacher even if you hate to write. I want you to become more confident when teaching writing. Let’s dive in!
In this episode I talk about:
- The importance of using mentor text. You don’t have to be your students’ only example!
- Anchor charts will help keep you organized.
- Work with me by signing up for The Not So Wimpy Writing Masterclass!
…and so much more!
If you’re interested in building your confidence in teaching writing, join me at The Not So Wimpy Writing Masterclass. It is my online professional writing course for teachers in grades two through five. I will provide you with the step-by-step strategies you’ll need to implement a successful writing workshop in your classroom. I want to take you from a place of feeling overwhelmed and anxious to being fully confident as a writing teacher.
Get on the waitlist so you can be notified by email as soon as the course opens. Mark your calendar for June 22, 2020. This course won’t be back again until June 2021!
Want more Not So Wimpy Teacher tips and tricks? Find tons of resources on our website at and follow me on Instagram @notsowimpyteacher where I share daily!
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