Reading, math, science, social studies, specials, RTI….how in the world are you supposed to find time to teach writing?
I totally get it!
You are busting your butt to be the incredible teacher that you are and sometimes it’s just easier to skip writing and spend more time on reading and math.
Most teachers agree that reading and math are easier to teach than writing. (This is based on super unofficial research that I did in my teacher Facebook groups.)
I have to drop a truth bomb though… the teachers that are rocking a successful writing workshop don’t have more time in the day that you do. They are just using that time differently.
Wouldn’t it be fun to see how other teachers are fitting writing workshop into their busy classroom schedule?

Heck yeah!
And that is why we created this free guide for you! The guide includes several different schedules that all include time for a writing workshop!
Obviously the schedules won’t work perfectly for you. We know you have recess and specials at very specific times. But we hope that these schedules will give you some ideas that will help to create the ideal classroom schedule.

Let us know how it works out!
Have a Not So Wimpy day,

Love your products!
Hi! I just want to thank you for everything you do for teachers to make our lives easier. I am a leave replacement teacher so I am in a new job every year. I have taught grades 3-6 for the past 4 years and this year I am in a resource position. My principal is trying to figure out how to use me for distance learning and while he is doing that I want to organize all my teaching stuff in my garage, so I will be ready for any grade I am called to teach or help as a resource teacher or a classroom teacher. I love all your stuff and how hyper organized your are. I do get a little overwhelmed at how much money I spend every year buying resources for a new grade level. But, I do rely on your resources and I appreciate how the skeleton for each grade level is the same.
Thanks so much
Robyn Davis
Thank you for your easy to access resources!! Just like the previous response, I teach various grade levels, sped grades 1-3. I have been looking for years for a sped lesson plan template….simple and easy to adapt to various subject groupings. Any ideas?
I found your website from one of your “how to use Google Docs” videos. I teach HS Spanish, but some of your tips for Vocab and Grammar can easily be transferred to what I do in class. Thanks for sharing your creativity and knowledge with us! It’s made at home learning so much easier for me!
yes same
I have really enjoyed your YouTube training this year. It has created excitement within me for my students. We will both look forward to using your curriculum this school year. Thank you for caring!
I’m happy to hear this! I’m glad the training has been helpful.