1. Scholastic
Every teacher needs to sign up with Scholastic Book Clubs! It’s a fantastic way to get free and discounted books and it is a good way to help parents put new books in kids’ hands. When you sign up, I recommend that you request book orders for your grade level, one below and one above. So if you teach third grade- request 2nd, 3rdand 4th. I send home the order forms every month. Parents are able to go online and order books for their children. I earn points for every book that they purchase. I use these points to get FREE books for the classroom!
You may also want to check and see if you have a Scholastic book warehouse in your area. This is a great place to find very inexpensive books! Just plan lots of time to sift through the books!
2. Birthday Books
I love to celebrate student birthday. Lots of families at my school will send in a treat to share with the class. Another great way to celebrate and grow the classroom library is to encourage students to bring in a copy of their favorite book on their special day. They can sign their name and write their birthdate on the inside cover. It’s also fun to have students include their photograph on the cover. Students love to share their favorite book and know that they will be a part of your classroom library for years to come. It makes them feel special!
3. Garage Sales
Pay close attention to garage sales in your area! You can often score a ton of very gently used books for change! I scored some Baby-Sitter’s Club books at a garage sale and I was stoked. I paid 25 cents per book and these books are out of publication now. I couldn’t have bought them at the bookstore if I wanted to! (They are making graphic novel versions that my kids love, but they only have a few out so far.)
4. Second-Hand Stores
When I first started teaching, I went to a Half Price Books store in my area and bought dozens of books. I completely filled my bookshelves with amazing titles! You certainly don’t have to go crazy like me- but check your local second-hand book stores and Goodwill stores. You can usually score popular books for half of the price that book stores charge.
5. Library Sales
My local library has a used book sale every few months. It’s an excellent way to grab some very inexpensive books. Sometimes the titles are more obscure and other times I score some popular titles. It is worth calling your library to see if they ever have used book sales!
6. Donor’s Choose
Donor’s Choose is an organization that allows public school teachers to write grants for classroom supplies. They can collect donations from their friends and family and/or complete strangers will donate to the projects. I have had several Donor’s Choose book projects funded! It is so exciting to get a box full of the books you want and not have to pay a dime! And since you have nothing to lose, every teacher should have an active Donor’s Choose project posted!
7. Wish List
I highly recommend going on Amazonand starting a class wish list. You can choose the books that you need or want for the classroom. Then share the wish list in your next classroom newsletter or email. Sometimes families want to help, but don’t know how. I don’t know about you, but I would rather receive books for my classroom than another coffee mug! It can’t hurt to ask!
8. Friends & Family
How about going on to your personal Facebook page and asking friends and family if they have any used books that they want to donate? Lots of families have old book crammed on to kid bookshelves and they just haven’t taken the time to organize and get rid of the ones that they no longer read. If you ask- you might help them to get more organized! You’re performing a good deed! LOL! But seriously, you will probably get some books donated!
9. Facebook Marketplace
Have you looked at the Facebook Marketplace? When you are using the Facebook app, click on the building with an awning at the bottom of the screen. It will show you what people are selling in your area. If no one is selling books, consider posting an ad that says you are in search of (ISO) gently used books. I am also part of a local buy and sell Facebook page. Check and see if your neighborhood or town has one. Lots of people have old books sitting around and they might be willing to sell them for a very reasonable price!
10. Retiring Teachers
If you happen to know a teacher that is retiring, become their best friend. Bring them coffee and chocolate! When teachers retire, they often give away their books or sell them at a very reasonable price. During my first year of teaching, my mother-in-law and my next-door neighbor retired. I scored big time! Be on the lookout!
Thank you so much for these helpful tips. I am a semester away from entering the credential program, which means I have a year left before I hopefully am in a classroom teaching. Thank you for making the birthday flyer available. I think it is such an awesome idea to help build a classroom library.