Learning multiplication can be a tough task for our students. Especially when they have different needs when it comes to learning. Students also learn in a variety of different ways. Which means you need a variety of resources for practicing multiplication.
But, never fear, help is here! I’d like to share with you a few awesome resources for helping your students not only practice multiplication facts but also gain confidence in their understanding of multiplication as well.
After you have taught multiple strategies for solving multiplication facts (arrays, equal groups, tape diagrams, etc), your students will need lots of practice. The continued practice will help them memorize the facts. Don’t forget that the foundation and the strategies come BEFORE the memorization!
But, when your students are ready, try out some of these resources for practicing multiplication . . .
Multiplication Games
What kid doesn’t love playing games? So why not mix multiplication and a little game playing? This is an extremely engaging way to help students practice and review their math facts.
Have any board games laying around? They can easily be turned into resources for practicing multiplication. Candy Land, Jenga, Sorry, and many others can be turned into a fantastic multiplication math game by just adding a stack of multiplication flashcards. Have students grab a flashcard and answer the fact in order to earn a turn on the game board. Simple as that!

When you add a deck of playing cards or a pair of dice the variety of multiplication games you can play with your students is endless.
To find out more about using FREE multiplication games to engage and assist your students in solidifying their math facts. Click HERE!
Interactive Notebooks
Interactive notebooks are another useful resource for practicing mutiplication.

Students love to take a small break from the typical paper and pencil activities. With interactive notebooks they can cut, glue, fold and practice multiplication strategies. I use interactive notebooks to teach arrays, multiplication facts, equal groups, skip counting, and even the multiplication properties. Your students can later use this colorful scrapbook of resources to recall some of those key multiplication strategies you want them to learn and continue to use.
Interested in engaging your student with math interactive notebooks? Click HERE!
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Math Centers
I am a huge fan of math centers and my students are too! If I wanted my students get excited, all I had to say was, “Class it’s time for math centers.” That’s all it took!
Centers can be used to help your students practice and review multiplication strategies. Using math centers is one way I can guarantee I meet the needs of EVERY learner in my classroom.

When teaching multiplication, math centers can help you target every learner in your classroom. During centers you can reteach the concept of multiplication to your strugglers, allow students to practice and solve multiplication problems through hands on learning, and enrich students who need to be challenged. When your students are engaged in multiplication centers you can meet each of your learners right where they’re at through small groups.
Looking for some engaging math centers that will have your students excited for center time, too? Click HERE!
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Third Grade Multiplication Unit
My third grade math curriculum includes a multiplication unit. This unit includes 20 days of complete lessons on multiplication, including the commutative property, associative property, equal groups, arrays, multiplication using a number line, and word problems.
This no-prep comes with ready-to-use lesson mini-lessons, vocabulary cards and anchor charts, small group lesson plans including ideas for differentiation, task cards, a game for review, and assessments. Even if you already have a math curriculum, this unit will save you tons of time and headaches and will make teaching multiplication so much more fun.
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Math Websites
I’m always looking for ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, especially when it comes to math! After all, my students have access to 14 chrome books and I want them to have the opportunity to use them. So if you’re looking for some multiplication websites that allow your students to take a break from the good old paper and pencil activities here are a few you may be interested in.
Xtra Math
This website is great for checking your students’ speed and mastery of not only their multiplication math facts, but also addition, subtraction, and division facts as well. While this site has many things to offer like progress reports, math fact diagnostics, and math fact practice; it does not offer lessons on math skills. This site would be best used as a quick daily fact fluency practice/ assessment for students or even a daily math fact homework practice.
While I haven’t had my students use MobyMax personally, I have heard great things from other teacher friends about it. To receive full access to all that this site has to offer, you do need to subscribe. However, the free version does include fact fluency practice of all operations for your students. With the free version, your students will receive one placement test a year for Math. The teacher will be able to see a basic overview of the student’s progress as well.
This site will have your students hooked! They have a huge variety of multiplication games that will help your students with fact fluency and mastering their multiplication facts. The free version of this site does not give you access to your student’s progress. The other downfall is the site has a lot of ads. But, the kids LOVE it, and that’s important! I share this site with the parents of my students to encourage fun fact practice at home. I also allow my students to play on this site as a reward when finished with math assignments, or as a 10 minute warm up in the fact fluency center.
If you’re interested in exploring other math sites that are simply amazing, include all areas of math, and will give you as a teacher some great data to help meet the needs of your students, then Click HERE!

Multiplication can be lots of fun for you and your students. Add in some games, technology, and centers to increase engagement!
espark is one of my favorite math web-sites!!!
Jamie this was awesome. I love the idea of turning the board games into a math game. So easy! and the children already have an idea on how the game is played. Just switch a rule or two which we do anyways to match the skills of the players.
Thanks for your resources